Experiment To Suspend/Resume Docker Container With CRIU
TL;DR: You CANNOT suspend/resume Docker container as of Jun 2014 and this article ends with a bit disappointed result, but you can still find CRIU is cool thing.
With the rapid emergence of Docker, everybody knows many advantages of using LXC over virtual machines like VMWare or Xen.
However, there is one thing that LXC is missing: suspend/resume containers.
This is where CRIU comes in.
CRIU is so called CR (checkpoint/restart) tool. It suspends a running process and save the memory state into files which can be resumed at anytime.
And since LXC container is a process, we should be able to suspend/resume containers. But does it really work?
In this article, we will install CRIU and see whether we can suspend/resume a Docker container.
Note: You may say that LXC already has C/R feature. My impression with the tool is not good from the past experience. So, I really didn’t try this time.
Installing CRIU
Building Kernel
To get the fully functional CRIU, you need to have a kernel with certain options are enabled. We use Vagrant box as LXC host machine, but I couldn’t find a box with kernel that meets the requirement of CRIU.
So, we need to rebeild kernel. Don’t worry, building kernel is not difficult as it sounds.
We will use official Ubuntu14.04 cloud image.
First you need to add the box.
$ vagrant box add ubuntu14.04 https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-vagrant-disk1.box
$ vagrant init ubuntu14.04
Before hit vagrant up
command, let’s increase CPU cores and memory of the box. Otherwise, it takes a few hours to build kernel. It really depends, but 2 cores with 2048M RAM would be enough.
Open Vagrantfile
and add the following lines.
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "2048"]
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 2]
Once you increase cpu and memory, do vagrant up && vagrant ssh
and ssh into the box. Become root user and install necessary packages to rebuild kernel.
$ apt-get -y update
$ apt-get -y install libncurses-dev build-essential libncurses-dev build-essential fakeroot kernel-package linux-source bc
After installing these, you should have /usr/src/linux-source-<kernel version>
directory. Go into the directory and untar the source files.
$ cd /usr/src/linux-source-<kernel version>
$ tar xvjf linux-source-<kernel version>.tar.bz2
$ cd ./linux-source-<kernel version>
Now you need to prepare a kernel configuration .config file which enables certain options for CRIU.
I uploaded the one to save your time into gist. Just run this command. (Make sure to change current directory to kernel source directory where you just untared.)
$ curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kimh/c93f42981d14a33c63c0/raw/a73af0f7f745c2538253ef153a62a8ba1a2d97be/.config -o .config
If you want to know which kernel options should be enabled, the list is here.
Once you put .config
file, you are ready to build kernel.
Once again, make sure you increased cpu and memory in the previous seteps before start building kernel.
$ export LC_CTYPE=C
$ make-kpkg clean
$ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd --revision=`date +%Y%m%d` kernel_image kernel_headers
Once the kernel build is done, you should have linux-headers-<kernel version>_amd64.deb
and linux-image-<kernel version>_amd64.deb
under /usr/src/
Now, let’s install them.
$ dpkg -i linux-headers-<kernel version>_amd64.deb
$ dpkg -i linux-image-<kernel version>_amd64.deb
$ reboot
Done! Now You are running the kernel that works well with CRIU.
Compile CRIU from source
Let’s install CRIU now. Ubuntu doesn’t provide up-to-date debian package of CRIU, so we need to build from source.
$ apt-get install git bsdmainutils build-essential libprotobuf-dev libprotobuf-c0-dev protobuf-c-compiler protobuf-compiler python-protobuf xmlto asciidoc
$ git clone https://github.com/xemul/criu
$ cd criu/
$ make
$ sudo make install
Now CRIU is installed. Let’s try if it works. CRIU provides a command for this.
$ criu check --ms
Warn (tun.c:55): Skipping tun support check
Warn (cr-check.c:259): Skipping mnt_id support check
Looks good.
Did you get Looks good.
message? You may get some warnings, but you can ignore them.
Before doing our experiment with containers, let’s checkpoint and restore normal Linux process with CRIU. The example comes from one of CRIU HOWTO pages.
First, we need to create a simple loop script.
$ cat > test.sh <<-EOF
while true; do
sleep 1
$ chmod +x test.sh
$ ./test.sh
We can suspend with criu dump
# Need to be root to run criu
$ sudo -s
$ export PID=`pgrep -f test.sh`
$ mkdir /tmp/test
$ criu dump -t $PID --images-dir /tmp/test --shell-job
If the dump succeeds, you should have many files under /tmp/test
$ ls /tmp/test
cgroup.img fanotify-mark.img fs-4898.img netlinksk.img pstree.img signalfd.img
core-4521.img fanotify.img ids-4521.img ns-files.img reg-files.img sk-queues.img
core-4898.img fdinfo-2.img ids-4898.img packetsk.img remap-fpath.img stats-dump
creds-4521.img fdinfo-3.img inetsk.img pagemap-4521.img sigacts-4521.img tty-info.img
creds-4898.img fifo-data.img inotify-wd.img pagemap-4898.img sigacts-4898.img tty.img
eventfd.img fifo.img inotify.img pages-1.img signal-p-4521.img tunfile.img
eventpoll-tfd.img filelocks-4521.img inventory.img pages-2.img signal-p-4898.img unixsk.img
eventpoll.img filelocks-4898.img mm-4521.img pipes-data.img signal-s-4521.img
ext-files.img fs-4521.img mm-4898.img pipes.img signal-s-4898.img
Let’s resume the process with criu restore
$ criu restore -t $PID --images-dir /tmp/test --shell-job
If the process is successfully resumed, test.sh
starts printing the output of date
command to your terminal.
Trying CRIU with containers
So far so good? Now, we will try to suspend and resume Docker containers. Docker is not installed on your vagrant box, so let’s install.
$ apt-get install docker.io jq
$ ln -sf /usr/bin/docker.io /usr/local/bin/docker
$ sed -i '$acomplete -F _docker docker' /etc/bash_completion.d/docker.io
And run a Ubuntu container executing a simple command.
$ docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash
To suspend the container, we need to know the pid of the container.
$ ID=`docker ps -l -q`
$ PID=`docker inspect $ID | jq '.[0].State.Pid'`
Ok, our long journey is almost done. Let’s suspend the container!!
$ criu dump -t $PID --images-dir /tmp/docker
Error (mount.c:449): 102:./dev/console doesn't have a proper root mount
Error (cr-dump.c:1882): Dumping FAILED.
CRIU said dumping failed. After googling the error message, I found this discussion.
[lxc-devel] [CRIU] LXC live migrate
That’s container’s console which is a bind mounted tty from the host. And since this is an external connection, CRIU doesn’t dump one.
What?! But, this page says CRIU supports LXC checkpoint/restart. Docker uses LXC under the hood, so how come it doesn’t work?
In the same thread of the discussion, I also found this.
[lxc-devel] [CRIU] LXC live migrate
AFAIK cgroups are used inside containers only with recent guest templates. In OpenVZ we use more old ones (and more stable) so haven’t meet this yet. And yes, cgroups are in plans for the nearest future :)
So, it seems CRIU does not support cgroup at the time of writing this (Jun 2014). However Docker uses LXC template that uses cgroups. Therefore, CRIU doesn’t work with Docker containers.
With this experiment, I found that we cannot checkpoint/resume Docker container with CRIU v1.3 because it does not support cgroups.
The result turned out to be a bit disappointed. However, I’m sure now you know that CRIU is extremely exciting project.
In contrast to its potential impact to LXC ecosystem, I believe the project is not receiving enough attention, so give a star and start watching their Github repo now!! I will definitely cover more things about CRIU on this blog, too.